If your birthday is in April, your zodiac sign is either Aries or Taurus.
April Zodiac Sign - Aries
March 21st to April 20th.In love with an Aries? Read more here.
Curious about Aries' characteristics?
If you were born on April 1st, April 2nd, April 3rd, April 4th, April 5th, April 6th, April 7th, April 8th, April 9th, April 10th, April 11th, April 12th, April 13th, April 14th, April 15th, April 16th, April 17th, April 18th, April 19th or April 20th, then your Zodiac star sign is Aries.
April Zodiac Sign - Taurus
April 21st to May 20th.In love with a Taurus? Read more here.
Curious about the characteristics of Taurus?
If you were born on April 21st, April 22nd, April 23rd, April 24th, April 25th, April 26th, April 27th, April 28th, April 29th or April 30th, then your Zodiac star sign is Taurus.
In Love with an Aries? Build Up Your Energy!
When an Aries is into you, you'll know it right away. Aries do everything to impress those they're interested in, and for them that means Go Go Go! A single Aries has enough energy for a whole army and gives you attention like none other. Aries are both impulsive and enjoy taking the lead. Aries are adventurous and want you to join them in everything they do. Before you know it, you’ll be traveling around the world with your Aries! So, pack your getaway suitcase in advance, and make sure you have some good running shoes. You won’t be able to keep up with an Aries in heels!
Is there a match between you two?
Do you have a crush on someone with this zodiac sign, and would you like to know if you're compatible? Our mediums and psychics will provide you with the insights you need to find out if you have a future together. Start your free chat.Stay Strong Against a Cocky Aries
Here’s the thing, Aries always have something to say. They’re confident, loud, and always want to have the last word. Just remember, if you stay strong against an Aries, you’ll earn their respect! Aries star signs often come across as cocky, saying all kinds of things without thinking. Don’t be afraid to correct them like you would with a problem child, and don’t let them get the better of you. Show Aries you can stay calm even when they’re cocky, and they’ll like you even more.Aries, the Easily Bored Type
Aries always want excitement and adventure, so when a relationship gets boring, they’ll run for the hills. Energetic Aries constantly need new stimulation. Ask yourself: Are you a homebody couch potato type? If so, don’t even try being with Aries! Their serious case of FOMO—Fear Of Missing Out—will prove to be your demise. Aries love music, so go out and buy a new outfit then suggest going to an upcoming festival.Breaking Up with An Aries? Don't Try to Save the Relationship
Here’s some tough love: Aries immediately forget about their exes after a breakup. They’ll move on and find someone new without waiting. They never worry over their exes. Instead, they start dating as soon as possible. Yep. So, wipe away your tears. There really is no point crying over your loss. While you’re at home longing for just one moment with your Aries, they’re out picking up someone new.In Bed with an Aries? Bring your Sexy Lingerie and Toys
Aries are dominant lovers, whether male or dominatrix. Always overflowing with energy, they don't even know what boring sex is. Aries want passion, and if you’re in bed with an Aries, don't try to take the lead. Aries longs for nothing more than to be completely in control. They’ll spend all night trying out new positions, and if you’ve brought sex toys, that will make them even happier.
Get to know yourself
Do you want to quickly learn more about who you are? About how you are composed and what choices you need to make in life? Our mediums and psychics can provide you insights into the decisions you can make through a simple conversation. Start your free chat.Settling Down with an Aries? Keep Playing Hard to Get!
Aries are the biggest flirts of all the star signs. They simply can't resist hitting on someone who catches their eye. So, fight fire with fire! If someone comes across your path that grabs your attention, tell your Aries you flirted with them. Aries find flirting very normal and will be intrigued by the competition. But what if you’re the jealous type? Don't start a relationship with an Aries then because they never stop flirting! You have to stay confident and strong if you’re settling down with an Aries.Aries are NOT Morning People
Aries are so happy, energetic and spontaneous all the time. Their positive attitude feels superhuman always wanting to carpe diem and everything. But for real? It’s because Aries get so much sleep and never wake up early! If you’re a morning person, do not try pushing your schedule onto your Aries. You’ll end up with an unhappy camper!Your personalized reading
Do you have questions about your personal situation, or do you want more information about who you are and what choices you should make? Our mediums and psychics are here to help you.Want to Know More About the Characteristics of Aries?
Never try dominating or manipulating an Aries because Aries are natural leaders. They want to manage everything around them to suit their personal preferences. Aries stay 100% committed to their goals and expect the same from others. Sometimes, though, Aries can forget that not everyone has as much energy as they do. Aries are blunt. They say it like it is. The life of an Aries is never boring because no matter what they’re doing, they always have a purpose. Want to know more about Aries? Read on here:» Characteristics of Aries
» Daily horoscope for Aries
Is the Hardworking Taurus Full of Bull?
Taureans are known for their patience and reliability. Their determination is unreal! Even when everyone else has given up, a Taurus continues forward. Taureans aren’t flashy. They stay humble, down to earth, and avoid change. Taureans excel most at familiar, everyday kinds of tasks. They stay chill and never argue when times get tough. Don't provoke a Taurus, though. Usually calm, an angry Taurus will run from unwanted interactions. Taureans need order in their life. Without that, they’ll stay restless forever. Think you’re in love with a Taurus? Then read on here:» Read more about Taurus on our May Zodiac Signs page.